I had an Orla Kiely weekender cosmetic bag that I haven't used for a couple of years, so I thought it'd be perfect. I went to Target and got another weekender cosmetic bag so each girl could have their own.

The first section contains coloring books, blank paper, sticker books, homemade magnets for their white board, crayons, and colored pencils

The other section contains a Leap Pad and Boogie Board. (I just need to say that the boogie board is a HUGE hit. The girls love them! Highly recommended. They played with these things for hours.)

Each girl has their own dry erase board for car trips. I used to use cookie sheets, but they became too big and cumbersome (we have three kids in the middle seat, and the cookies sheets interfered with personal spaces...big no no if you want a peaceful trip!). These boards are the perfect size and can be placed in the back seat pockets. They use them as a flat surface to eat on, and they play with their magnets on them. They can play with their magnets for 20-30 minutes at a time, so bonus!

Lovely Bag